Group outing in Bob’s back yard in about 2008. Front row: Zhimin Shi, Svetlana Lukishova, and Colin O’Sullivan. Back row: (???). Andreas Liapis, Diane Boyd, Mehul Malik (with dog), Giovanni Piredda, Petros Zerom, Bob, Anand Jha, Heedeuk Shin, and Ansgard Schmid.
Martti Kauranen, Robert Boyd, and Jeff Maki, at the ground breaking ceremony for the addition to the Institute of Optics in 2004
Paul Narum visits Rochester in about 2015
Alex Gaeta and Dan Gauthier at Hawaii NLO Conference in 2004
Dan Gauthier at Michelson House in Potsdam, Germany in 2006. This is where the original Michelson interferometer measurements were made. The Boyd group traces its lineage to AA Michelson.
Jerry Kuper and Dan Gauthier at the ground breaking of the addition to the Institute of Optics, University of Rochester in 2004
Luigi Lugiato, Robert Boyd, Claude Fabre in Munich, 2003
Research group picnic at Bob Boyd’s home in Webster: Nick Lepeshkin, baby, wife, Elizabeth Hill, Daniel Lee, Robert Boyd, Jerry Kuper, (???), Ryan Bennink, Giovanni Piredda, Colin O’Sullivan, xxxxx, Vincent Wong, Svetlana Lukishova, and John Heebner.
Boyd Research Group 2000s: John Heebner, Vincent Wong, Elna Nagasako, Robert Boyd, Svetlana Lukishova, Ryan Bennink, Matt Bigelow, Sean Bentley, and Aaron Schweinsberg.
Bob windsurfing, regrettably, with no wind.
Unknown man and Jon Dowling talking with Bob at the 2004 Cargèse conference on quantum imaging.
Cruising on Lake Como at the 2004 Cargèse conference. Bob and Giovanni Piredda
Nicolas Treps, Luigi Lugiato and Bob at the 2004 conference in Cargèse.
Boyd group photo about 2010. Cliff Chan, Aaron Schweinsberg, George Gehring, Giovanni Piredda, (???), Colin O’Sullivan, Zhimin Shi, Bob Boyd, Anand Jha and Heedeuk Shin.